Auto-Renewal Terms & Conditions

If you do not agree to these terms and conditions, do not check the box or provide your credit card information.

1.  By checking the box and providing your credit card billing information, you agree that your service subscription will automatically renew for all successive renewal terms, and you expressly authorise and permit Discount Domains to bill each service renewal fee to the credit card you have provided, until you cancel the automatic renewal of your services.

2.  Note: From 1 October 2020 all payments by credit card will incur a non-refundable 2.25% surcharge for processing.

3.  Discount Domains will send at least one email notice of upcoming auto-renewal prior to auto-renewing your service. This notice will be sent to the Billing Contact for your account and you agree it is your responsibility to ensure your contact details are valid at all times.

4.  You may cancel your auto-renewal at any time unless there is an auto-renewal currently in progress. If you discontinue or do not select automatic renewal and billing of your subscription, you must manually renew your subscription to prevent interruption of service.

5.  Automatic renewal transactions will usually be processed on the day before your existing service expires, so if you want to cancel your automatic renewal, you should do so at least 48 hours prior to your service expiry date to ensure that the cancellation is possible. You will not be able to cancel an auto-renewal on the day it is due to be processed.

6.  Discount Domains cannot be held responsible for loss of a domain name or other service if the auto-renewal is cancelled or your credit card details are not up to date, preventing the auto-renewal from taking place.

7.  Discount Domains will notify you of any failure to process an auto-renewal and you can then arrange for an alternative payment method.

8.  You agree that you are responsible for payment of all fees related to any service that you have set to auto-renew. Once the service renewal has been processed it cannot be reversed nor any fees refunded.

Last updated: 1 September 2020